Arts Nonprofit Consulting
Free assistance from Cahoot?! for new arts nonprofits
Artists want to make art; it’s in our nature! Sometimes the best way to make that art is by forming a nonprofit organization, but the process can be confusing and intimidating. The different forms and processes, along with the general administration of budgeting and contracting, can be overwhelming enough to make artists think “I want to do this, but I feel like I can’t.”
Let’s be in cahoots!
We at Cahoot?! have had all the same thoughts and walked down this road before. A consultation allows us the opportunity to use Cahoot?! as a case study for you to learn from and lets us pass along the knowledge we’ve collected along the way.
A consultation can cover:
Fiscal sponsorship possibilities
Registering a nonprofit corporation in the state of Minnesota
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
IRS forms 1023, 990, and 1099
Requirements for newly formed Boards of Directors
We can also have conversations around:
Annual budgets
Grants, fundraising, and sponsorships
Tax reporting and implications
And more!
In addition to the conversation, we will also provide templates for artist contracts and annual budgets.
To learn more or request a consultation, email
Why is it free?!
We all do better when we all do better and our success is collective. At Cahoot?!, we don’t see other arts organizations as competition, but rather community. Our mission is to break down barriers to the arts, and helping others to create their own art is a part of that.
We’re in cahoots, after all!